Art & Design
At Battling Brook Primary School, we believe that Art and Design is a means of personal expression. We aim to create an environment where children have access to and can be inspired by works of other artists, but they also have the confidence to create work in their own style. Everybody expresses themselves in their own way and we aspire to encourage children to develop their confidence and personal approach to this subject, whilst teaching them all of the skills and techniques that they will need to do so.
We ensure all National Curriculum objectives are covered and use a robust skills progression to ensure that children’s skills and techniques are developed well through their years with us.
Children have their own sketchbooks that travel with them on their journey through the school. They are a means to develop their skills and ideas, gather artwork and artist’s work for their inspiration, and somewhere to practice elements of a final piece.
Feedback on the children’s art is given to them ‘live’ so that they can develop their work in the moment and reflect on it themselves.
Our aims in Art and Design are to:
- Provide a broad and balanced art curriculum where children can experience many forms of art.
- Give children the opportunity to see a wide and diverse range of artists’ work and techniques, from classic painters to modern and contemporary artists.
- Encourage children to explore the materials they are given to find new ways in which to express themselves.
- Inspire children’s creativity and encourage them to have pride in their work.
- Teach art as a subject with no right and wrong answers; teach children skills and techniques and allow children to use them to create their masterpieces!
- Encourage children’s collaborative skills and ability to work and make decisions together to create their best outcomes.
- Create a visually stimulating environment for all to work in.
- Use art as a means to enhance children’s mental wellbeing and encourage calmness.
‘Art and Design is not just a subject to learn, but an activity that you can practice: with your hands, your eyes, your whole personality.’ Author and illustrator Quentin Blake.